sunnuntai 30. maaliskuuta 2014

By Teutates, Or The Barbarian

Another Reaper by Julie Guthrie.

As for the inspiration of the colour scheme:


sunnuntai 23. maaliskuuta 2014

The Man Who Would Be King, Or The Woodsman

This fellow's crown betrays him as royalty. I just loved the sculpt by Patrick Keith, so with a bit of stretch his huge axe got him cast as the Woodsman playing character from the Adventure expansion. Row 4, column2.

I'd like to refer you back to rule number two the Project, I paints what I wants!

torstai 20. maaliskuuta 2014

Washing Rediscovered or the Pirate

The next thing I remembered I could also do, was to apply washes for shading. This wondefully characterful scurvy sea-dog turned out quite nicely thanks to that.

He is the Pirate playing character from the Dungeon expansion. Row 3, column 2.

I used a rather light base colour with darker wash applied generously over the base colour. The wash was simply the same Citadel paints I'd been using thinned down suitably with water. Works ok, if I can get the ratios right. After that, some highlighting with a colour similar to the light base and that's it.

maanantai 17. maaliskuuta 2014

New Horizons Miniaturewise or Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Project

From the word go it was obvious my old collection wouldn't provide nearly enough minis for the whole project. There are a lot of interesting producers around, but in many cases postage fees to here in Finland make then way too expensive for my budget.

On producer that my local dealer provides, is Reaper Miniatures. They also have a wide range of lovely fantasy sculpts by many a talented sculptor. These reasons have made Reaper my main source of new minis so far.

Here's a Reaper bugbear by Tre Manor, one my first new minis in this millenium.

He's plastic, which means he's quite inexpensive. Other than that, the white plastic was a bit tricky at first. I made the silly mistake of using white primer. That way the primer ended up very uneven which messed up everything else.

The bugbear turned out pretty ok through luck, but with later plastics the problem was more obvious.

No role for this guy, either. But still, fun to paint!

Gone Clubbin', Or The Troll

The Troll player character from the basic game can be great at the start of the game with his strength of 6, but his abyssmal craft of 1 usually leads to trouble sooner or later.

My troll is an old Mithril Lord of the Rings cave troll from 1993.

lauantai 15. maaliskuuta 2014

More Metal or the Warrior of Chaos

Continuing with the HeroQuest playing pieces, here's the Warrior of Chaos playing character from the Adventure expansion. A link to the original art in lo-res, row 2, column 1.

tiistai 11. maaliskuuta 2014

The Big, Bad Wolf

This is Wolf, the enemy.

The mini is a plastic from Marauder by Colin Dixon. The catalogue page is from1993 and I probably bought him ca. 1995.

I had already painted the beast with a black base colour and an uniformly drybrushed grey highlighting. Now I just added a little more highlights here and there. I also redid the base, which was so bright, it hurt my eyes.

One more picture, this time with the original rider in original colours.

torstai 6. maaliskuuta 2014

An Exercise in Dry Brushing, Or The Mummy

Next I bought some more brushes and Citadel paints, making painting a bit easier. Here's an enemy from the City expansion, the mummy. A link to the card in lo-res. Column 1, row 2.

The mini is from another board game, HeroQuest. The game itself is nothing too special, but it came with a bunch of fun playing pieces, orcs, goblins, skeletons, mummies, etc.

The mummy I simply painted by starting with a dark brown base and drybrushing with lighter and lighter tones until he looked ok enough. It would have been a lot faster, had I not completely lost the feel for the amount of white to add.

As a bonus, here's a fiersome fimir also from HeroQuest I painted up at the same time.

Sadly, no role for him in The Project

tiistai 4. maaliskuuta 2014

The Witching Hour, Or The Sorceress

This lovely lady is from Reaper by Bobby Jackson. She plays the part of the Sorceress from the basic game. Row 1, column 2.

I'm quite happy with the way her skin turned out.

The base colour was very bright, almost orange. Then I just added black to the same mix which created a nice greenish-bluish-grey for a heavy handed wash. Once dry, I went back to a colour very close to the original base and added a tiny bit of that to white to create a very pale shade for the highlights.