tiistai 26. elokuuta 2014

Springtime For Vikings, Or The Amazon

The Amazon from the Talisman Expansion Set is quite a nice character with an extra movement die and the ability to re-roll lost physical combat rolls.

The mini is from Reaper by Bobby Jackson. For the painting style, I used the three colour -approach. Dark base, medium and highlights. It is a very fast way to produce results good enough for the tabletop.

I also left quite a lot of the black priming showing. My opinions about the results are mixed. On one hand, up close she looks kind of messy, but viewed a meter away the stark contrasts lend character and make her stand out from other figures.

And she was VERY quick to paint. So, if I were painting an army, I would be very tempted to go with this style.

I also hope you noticed the (rather gigantic) coltsfoot, one of the first flowers among the melting spring snow, at her feet.

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