Ready for battle! Though these guys have nothing to do with the Warhammer world, I'm using the WHFB3e rules. My army list is as follows:
- Captain Red João, level 20 human hero, cutlass and dagger, two pistols. 110 points.
- Quartermaster Mimbah Odide, level 15 human hero and falconer, cutlass and dagger, two pistols. 88 points.
- Bosun Jean-Baptiste Thibaud, level 5 human hero, forester and scout. Cutlass and dagger, arquebus and pistol. 41 points.
- Total of 239 points of characters.
Rank and File
- The Boarding Crew: Standard bearer Antônio Bandeira, musician Nicolau O Cérebro, able seamen Mankey, Ramirez and Tupac. Human shock elite +2, two hand weapons, two pistols. 84 points.
- The Buccaneers: Standard bearer Jean-Guy Thibeault, musician Jean-Marie Thibault, midshipman Hector Sauvage, able seaman Jean-François "Petit-Jean" Thibeaud, seaman Jean-Yves Thibaut. Human missile elite +3, scouts and foresters. Arquebus, hand weapon. 112 points.
- The Artillery: Swivel gun, gunners Benn and Gunn. Hand weapons. 49 points,
- Total of 245 points of rank and file.
The Baggage Train
- Pack master Van Muildier, Dr. Matteo Chi. Humans, hand weapons. 10 points.
- Pack donkey Willy, 0 points.
- Total of 10 points of baggage train.
Total: 494 points.
I also gave them two pistols, which is not in the rules. I reckon they could, for example, if charged, both stand and fire AND use pistols in the following round of melee. In the WHFB3 rules, pistoliers can move and fire in the same turn, so it would take full turn to load both pistols.
All this would of course be talked over and agreed upon with my opponent before a game. I would be totally cool with playing them as basic humans with single guns. I just feel they'd have more flavour like this.
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