I rushed to make a mini for my (counts as) half-elf bard (at a more leisurely pace the campaign would be over before I got him done).
After creating the characters he played a quick 15 minute introduction scene, during which I described my character more or less along these lines:
- A young, slender man of medium height with long, braided hair and golden eyes.
- Dressed in fine clothes, but they have a few tears and some dirt on them.
- A dark green cape, a wide brimmed hat with feathers.
- Wearing leather armour, carrying a fine sword with a gilded basket hilt and a musket.
I had this Reaper swordsman lying around I used.
Added some modelling putty for the cloak, the hat and the swords basket to replace the cut off handle. For the braid I simply braided some string and glued it on and the firearm and the hat's feathers came from the Warlord Games box of ECW pike and shot which has proved to be a very useful purchase for spare parts.
Getting the cloak to cure billowing in the wind was a bit of a challenge because without support, the putty bends down and I thought I didn't have anything at hand that I could shape that wouldn't stick to the putty. But then I thought to use a rolled up ball of cling film, which worked a treat.
Hastily painted everything in dark tones:
Then the usual midtone-highlight routine:
To speed thing up, instead of painting the base I just glued some model railroad sand and flock on it for a quick finish.
A must admit, I have close to zero knowledge of the geography, history or politics of the Realms, having mostly played other settings. It seems the adventures will be mostly set in and around Waterdeep which, as I understand, is a major metropolis in a world filled with advanced dungeons and advanced dragons. With this starting point I wrote the first draft of my character's backstory, still subject to the DM's approval, of course.
Our protagonist's father was lord Gwinau, a minor noble of an old family ruling an out of the way piece of land where his subjects mostly made their living from raising sheep, logging and some dealing in mined ores and metals.
As a young man, the future lord Gwinau was a keen hunter and on one of his hunting trips deep in the woods he came across a spirit of the forests, a female creature of unearthly beauty. Obsessed, the man searched the woods for weeks, occasionally glimpsing the object of his desire, finally getting close enough to address her.
With time the meetings under the trees turned in to a romance and finally the fairy asked young Gwinau to join her in the forest's court. His family duties and the fear of the unknown made the human hesitant to accept, which angered the capricious spirit, for it was no small offer for a mere mortal.
After this, young Gwinau could not find his love no matter how hard he tried, until one last time, one year later, just before daybreak, the forest spirit appeared at the family castle, leaving an infant boy in a basket she named Cumagor and a warning that the family Gwinau were no longer welcome on the lands.
From there on, leaf blight and foot and mouth disease ran rampant and wild beasts preyed upon the ore merchants passing through, packs of wolfs attacking the beasts of burden and troupes of rust monsters devouring their loads. Finally the Gwinau family were forced to pack up and leave their ancestral lands.
All this was too much for Cumagor's grandfather's health and it was Cumagor's father, now lord Gwinau, who settled the family and their retinue in the city of Waterdeep. His father soon married and other children followed, but Cumagor was raised as the lord's son learning court manners as well as horsemanship and swordplay.
Without much political influence, the family eventually made a good living through trade, having connections with previous immigrants from their homeland, now mostly working on the docks and in the warehouses. The Gwinau traded spices, furs and clothes, weapons, books and works of art, some of which were even genuine.
As Cumagor grew, he showed a gift for many talents, singing, feats of dexterity and charming people came to him as easily as breathing. Even as a young child Cumagor proved useful for the family business where much was achieved by keeping up appearances and entertaining other nobles and merchants.
The family priest adept at transcription and illustration of tomes had followed the Gwinaus and he also taught Cumagor. These skills were often in demand whenever the necessary documents and permits were delayed, inconveniently mislaid or otherwise unavailable just at the moment. There is a certain high ranking official who earned his spurs as a privateer, whose letter of marque was penned and signed by Cumagor at the age of twelve instead of the scribes and Lords of Waterdeep.
Cumagor's slightly inhuman features always led to odd glances and at times comments about his heritage and even a few fisticuffs. But that would change at least when Cumagor would be lord Gwinau.
Then one day, not long ago, lord Gwinau took his son aside made absolutely certain that which Cumagor had deep down feared, the title and command of the family fortunes would not go to the first-born, but to his half-brother, the lord's first legitimate and fully human son.
Soon after, the said brother made a joke about Cumagor, which earlier would have had them both laughing now resulted in Cumagor punching his brother, grabbing a considerable sum of money and some choice items and disappearing to the streets of Waterdeep.
Being used to a high standard of living, Cumagor had soon spent the riches on food, wine, fine clothes and gambling. He doesn't know how his father would receive him, should he return home. But as of yet Cumagor's pride will not allow that. To make ends meet Cumagor has been involved in all sorts of semi-legal business and has now joined a group of other misfits in the city, a band of demi-humans running errands for a mysterious patron.
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