lauantai 30. elokuuta 2014

Hunting For Mistletoe, Or The Druid

The Druid player character from the basic game.

He got painted at the same time, and with the same method as the Amazon from the previous post. The mini is from Reaper by Tre Manor.

The flowers are also made the same way as with the Amazon. They are short pieces of paper string, with the other end spread out to form the petals, and the other end split lenghtwise to form the leaves.

tiistai 26. elokuuta 2014

Springtime For Vikings, Or The Amazon

The Amazon from the Talisman Expansion Set is quite a nice character with an extra movement die and the ability to re-roll lost physical combat rolls.

The mini is from Reaper by Bobby Jackson. For the painting style, I used the three colour -approach. Dark base, medium and highlights. It is a very fast way to produce results good enough for the tabletop.

I also left quite a lot of the black priming showing. My opinions about the results are mixed. On one hand, up close she looks kind of messy, but viewed a meter away the stark contrasts lend character and make her stand out from other figures.

And she was VERY quick to paint. So, if I were painting an army, I would be very tempted to go with this style.

I also hope you noticed the (rather gigantic) coltsfoot, one of the first flowers among the melting spring snow, at her feet.

torstai 21. elokuuta 2014

It's Greek To Me, Or The Cyclops

Stranger cards in Talisman usually occupy a space and offer assistance to visiting player characters. The Cyclops from the Talisman Expansion Set just comes along, eats one of your followers or steals some of your stuff and then trots off to the discard pile. A sympathetic fellow.

The mini is an old Ral Partha cyclops-kin.

perjantai 15. elokuuta 2014


Talisman contains a total of 5 goblin enemy cards. 2 in the basic game, 1 in the Expansion Set and 2 in the Dungeon expansion.

I have now finished 4. They are Ral Partha orcs propably from the late 80's. Once again, I didn't have the heart to change my old colour scheme, I just added the hand emblem on the shields.

tiistai 12. elokuuta 2014

Zardoz, Or The Wizard

With the Wizard player character from the basic game I went for the colour scheme of the original artwork.

The old mini is Gandalf from Mithril, here's a picture of him in the colours some suited to Middle-Earth.

It was interesting to see how different the mood became with an alternate colour scheme.

perjantai 8. elokuuta 2014

A Half-hearted Effort, Or The Halfling

The Halfling player character from the Talisman Expansion.

The little guy is plastic from Reaper by Derek Schubert. I have to say, I am disappointed with the way he turned out. I was still having trouble with the plastic. The paint is glossy and uneven and the yellow is just too bright.

But if you never make mistakes, then your doing too little. Applies to everything in life, in my opinion.

maanantai 4. elokuuta 2014

The Easy Way To Start A Fire, Or The Fire Elemental

Another attack of laziness for the Fire Elemental enemy from the City expansion.

The figure is from Ral Partha and I just felt that I wasn't inspired enough to add to the old paint job, so I just repainted the chipped base and called it a day.