torstai 18. kesäkuuta 2015

The Boarding Crew, Part Four - En Sjörövare

Another pirate for the boarding crew.

When able seaman Fridhmund Långstövel was widowed, he was faced with a difficult choice. He had a young daughter to care for, but no other skills but the trade of a mariner. Staying at home would mean selling the family home and eventual destitution. 

Because his daughter is surprisingly independent and mature for her age, and also freakishly strong (able to lift a giraffe at the age of nine), herr Långstövel decided to go back to the high seas to seek the fortune to secure their future. 

To keep his daughter's spirits up while she is fending off the local authorities set on taking possession of their family home, herr Långstövel has written her letters about his successful adventures, how he is now the king of an island, ruling over the natives and how he will soon return home with untold riches. 

Sadly, in reality he barely escaped the said island with his life, losing his left leg to the cannibals' stew pot. Herr Långstövel now follows Captain João in the hope of securing enough treasure, that he can return to his daughter as a proud man.

Things on my mind while writing: Efraim and Pippi Långstrump

I'll leave you with a pic of the boarding crew thus far:

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